
What did I get myself into?!

Hi everyone, I'm Dana from Supernanny Where Are You? I volunteered the other day to be the guest hostess with the mostess, so I hope I can live up to this girl's rep. I definately don't want to do a post all about guest posting (because that's been done), so I guess I'll give you a taste of the real me. I could write about how I went to community college for one year, racked up a bunch of loan debt, didn't know what I wanted to do, and that's how I wound up at the post office, but I'll leave that for another day. Since all of my readers like a good post office story I guess I'll share another tale of terrible times. Get your popcorn and a blanket and curl up by the fire for this one, (too hot for fire, well, get some ice cream then). This past Monday we had a ton of mail. Literally, a ton. I would guess about 3 times what we normally have on Monday, which is a lot. Since I'm seriously the best carrier out here, really, I worked my butt off that day to get out and get it done. I was a little over halfway through my route when I ran out of mail up front, and needed to get some mail from the back of the truck. I should have stopped at the next box, got up, and climbed in the back and moved my mail up. I'm kind of lazy so I was stopped at the box, reaching back with my left hand to see if I could get the next tray of mail pulled up enough so that I could grab the mail for that box. As I'm reaching, I see a car coming towards the front of my vehicle at lightning speed in reverse. The lady who lived at the house was backing out of her driveway, which I was blocking a little bit with my bumper since I was sitting at her mailbox. Now imagine it all in slow motion because that's exactly how it all happened. I'm seeing her coming on my right, and I throw the gearshift into reverse (because I know my horn doesn't work). I back up a few feet, and just barely make it out of the way in time. My life flashed before my eyes. OK, maybe it didn't, but it makes the story better right? Anyway, about the time she gets to where my front left bumper is even with her passenger door she stops. The whole time she had been looking over her left shoulder towards the road. As her head turned, I saw what had prevented her from seeing that I was there, she was distracted by talking on her freaking cell phone!!!! Now, I'm every bit as guilty as anyone else for talking while driving, but man.... I was actually yelling WTF! Good thing she couldn't hear me, and didn't see me say it. She just sat there looking at me for a second and then went on her way. I felt robbed. No "Sorry, I almost ran you over." No wave and "oops", lip sync. Nothing. It's a good thing they don't get mail much, cause I could wreak some serious havoc on her mail I could wind up with post tramatic stress or something. The freaky thing is that this is the second time in about 4 months that I've avoided being backed into while I was at a box. The other time I did the same thing, backed up really quick, because they weren't looking. My horn only works intermittently, and even when they try to fix it it still doesn't work, I'm wondering if it's some kind of conspiracy. By nature I'm a very paranoid person. Mix that with the rest of the things in my nature and it becomes a wonder that I can properly function . I think I have ADD, cause I have trouble staying on subject. And with that admission, I had better just sign off now before I wind up telling you the story of the girl who opened a gift package (out of the mail) and gave out the stuff inside to the supervisors as Christmas gifts (needless to say, she's no longer there). That will have to be a story for later. I hope you've enjoyed my guest post and didn't get too bored. Come over to my blog whenever you need a fix of post office humor or craziness. You'll be sure to learn something over there, even if it's useless random facts, like how to make a gum wrapper chain, which is yet another future post. I need to get over there and get to writing....

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Anonymous said...

I talk on my phone occasionally while driving but never while backing up - that just seems crazy - but then I'm not a terribly comfortable "in reverse" driver so I'm always extra careful doing it I suppose.

Poor Dana - in rain, snow, sleet and life threatening situations - :) Great guest post!

Krystyn @ Really, Are You Serious? said...

How super scary!

And, I totally want to hear about the girl that got into mail and gave it away. Isn't that a federal offense or something?

Melissa said...

That was a great guest post, Dana! Scary incident though! Isn't it amazing how things like that always happen in slow motion, and you notice every little detail, even though it all took place in just a few seconds? It would be great if our brains worked like that all the time, not just when we're scared!

Unknown said...

OMG, Dana!! That would have been scary! I say you still wreak havoc on her mail :)

J/k :) I'm glad you are okay!

Wendi said...

Great guest post.
Dana...you are a funny little mail girl!
Tell us more post office stories.
I especially want to hear about the girl who gifted stolen mail.
Funny stuff.

Tyne said...

I love a good post woman story! thanks for the great guest post...

The Nice One said...

Whew, SCARY. That got your blood pumping for the day, huh? Man....

Patrice said...

Great guest post! Loved it! This is so scary..! So glad you made it through in one piece to tell about it on my blog! lol Thanks for filling in for me!

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