It's that time again...! Thanks, of course, go out to Jessica over at Farm Fresh for hosting this super fun weekly event!
This weeks theme:
Where the Magic Happens... a.k.a. The Bedroom!
#1: Under the bed...
As you can see, there are several water bottles and tons of water bottle caps... nothing super exciting.
Next up, #2:The dresser!
It's real life right? Well there you have it... my very messy but real dresser. On top lays my ipod speaker, radio/Cd player, My hair straightener, Dry Shampoo (very handy when you haven't had time to wash your hair!), A smoothie left over from breakfast, and some other random stuff.
As you can see, my dresser is pretty full... what can I say? Here's a better view of the inside:
So to the right is my undie drawer, then to the left is the tank top drawer (I have alot of those, half of them I never wear), then underneath is the jammie drawer. The 2 bottom drawers on the right don't work for whatever reason, so they don't have anything in them.
#3: My bed table:
So on my night table, you will find a lamp, my clock (which projects on the wall- very cool and also acts as a noise maker!), face moisturizer, water bottle, headbands, hair tie. Usually you will find a few random pills too, because I always take medicine for random stuff before bed, and usually a few of them get left over!
Next, #4: Pictures/decorations
These are photo collages my mom put together for me... here's a close up view of each frame:
The blank ones are for future pictures! These are definitely my favorite decorations in my room because they are a perfect display of my life. The people in the frames are the people that mean alot to me, and next year when I come back from school to stay @ home, I want these pictures to remind me of the good times I had this year with my friends!
Another favorite decoration of mine are my homecoming mums:
Recently, a friend from Georgia came in town, and she was very confused by the concept of Homecoming mums, so I don't know if its just a TX thing? But for those of you that don't know... a mum is like a decoration you wear it around your neck at school the day before the dance and at the football game... your date buys it for you.. hopefully you get it. Wikipedia doesn't have a page on mums... bummer.
Finally, 1 more decoration (sorry I feel like this is taking forever!)
This is a picture painted by my very talented friend. Unfortunatley, my friend and I had a falling out and no longer speak... but she remains dear to my heart. This picture is beautiful, and very good I think. The picture in the bottom corner is an ad from a magazine I gave to my friend and she used it to paint the picture. She is very talented obviously, she's going to Parson's art school next year.
Ok moving on:
#5:What I love about my room:
What i love about my room is that its pretty much huge. I'm not gonna lie... its really big and I'm really lucky. It actually took me several pictures to capture the room in its entirety.
This is the first half of my room... its the main part with my bed and all that. It's pretty much what you see when you walk in.
This is my alcove... it's off to the side and it's the only part of my room that is red- which I LOVE! It really makes it pop!
#6: What I Hate About It.
I honestly have no complaints... I love my room. It's a great room. It is always a mess, which can be a pain, but that's my fault!
#7: What Makes it Uniquely Me
This is one of my favorite parts of my room... My closet.
Yes, it's a closet, and yes it is written all over! It was actually my mom's idea to do this at one of my birthday parties a few years back, so my friends and I wrote all over it. It's mostly used now as a storage closet for my mom (I'm not even moved out yet and already she's using my room for storage!), but it will always be written on as long as we live in this house! Most of the writing is just I heart so & so, but there's actually a corner (I meant to get a picture of it) where I wrote down names I like for my future kids someday, and I used to use this list to name my baby dolls! Anyway, I'm pretty sure I'm the only person w/ a closet full of writing.
And last, but not least:
#8- What I sleep in!
Nothing special... just your basic Old Navy p.j. pants & a T-shirt.. this one happens to be my prom t-shirt.
So there you have it! My "real life" Go here to read more about my real life.
And make sure you head on over to Farm Fresh, and join the fun, and go check out everyone else's real lives.