So I love facebook for many reasons, but tonight, after the results of the election were announced, I came to love facebook even more. Why, you ask? Let me tell you, friends... if you wanna know what people are really thinking, just log on to facebook, and read some of your friends status's. Or, better read some of mine. Some are happy, some are claiming they are leaving the country, and some are just freaking hilarious! Allow me to demonstrate: Here are some of my favorite negative one's:
- Stocking up because we're screwed
- scared for everyone's future...
- Bye, Bye America
- Way to go America for electing a damn terrorist
- Congrats America.. you've elected a damn idiot for president!
- can only sit aside and sob as I watch the country fall apart and see people celebrating...
- omg what has America done? the next 4 years we are f***ed.
- well yall wanted change and yall are about to see it, and it wont be good. F*** Obama.
- excited to quit her job and go on welfare. Yay president hussein!! Oops. I meant Obama. My bad.
- can't believe so many people are so easily fooled.
- now that the dems are in control of the house, the senate, and the presidency, who are they going to blame now?
- We should all make sure we look pretty cuz this country is about to get f****ed.
- I can't believe America voted for a baby killer.
- I must be a fortune teller cause I predicted this to happen, sorry McCain you tried now go cry.
- Do you republicans need help packing? Because the rest of us are ready for change!
- so glad America made the right decision!!! Suck it Republicans!!! OBAMA 08!!!
OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO OOOOOOOOOOOOOO OBAMAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA AAAAA NO MORE BUSH NO MORE BUSH NO MORE BUSH NO MORE BUSH! - if obama get shot its goin to be war and you dont want that trust...and if you need help moving please let me know i got tons of boxes to help.
- just wants to party my life away, no more election crap! neither should of been elected. we all should have voted for MEEEEEEEE :)
- announcing his intent to run for President in 2028.
- f*** em! f*** em! LIL WAYNE FOR PRESIDENT!
- is running in 2012 cause anyone apparently can make it.
- 4 more years...lil wayne for president!
- mccain can't make it rain and obama can f*** a llama. ME FOR PREZZZIDENT.