So today I was surfing the web as usual, you know reading all your amazing blogs, catching up on what I missed over the weekend.
Anyway, I of course had to stop by my facebook and see if I made any new friends, etc. when something caught my attention. I have this amazing feature on my facebook that allows me to countdown to a certain important date... you know the drill. So, what this particular application happens to be counting down to is my 1st day at college.
And guess what it said?! 23 days... there's no way! I just graduated, like yesterday! Ok, not really obviously, but it feels like this summer has flown by! I can't believe that in less than a month, I will be an actual college student. It's so surreal.
I'm excited, because you know, everyone says it's the time of your life, I wish I could go back to college, blah blah blah. And I mean this is the independence I have been longing for since I was like, um, 10? ha! So how come when it's finally real, I'm scared? I know I'm gonna be ok, deep down, I know I'm gonna have a blast. But I've never even been to overnight camp... and now I'm just supposed to say bye to my parents, and to my sister, until who knows when? It's so weird. And what about my friends? I don't know when I'll see them again, or if in a year we'll still talk. That scares me... a lot.
I don't like change. And this is not just a little change... its huge. I'm going to a whole 'nother (is that a word??) state, where I don't know anyone! It's just all so weird, and it doesn't feel real. But 23 days... wow. That makes it a little more real.
Yesterday, there was a get-together for people who are associated with the school (alumni, current students, and incoming students/parents) who live in the Dallas area. It was a really great way to learn more about the school and get to meet some older girls to look for. Everyone was really nice, and it made me a feel a little better, but still really scared.
All my friends keep saying they are so excited, etc, etc. And I want to feel excited, but I can't get past this feeling of being scared....
I know I made the right decision about where to go to school, and even though it is a lot further away then I ever imagined I would be, I know it's going to be great. I just want to fast forward the next month or so, past all the uncertainty, and get straight to the fun!