Dear Ass hole,
Yes... you. You know who you are. Look there are just some things that I would like to say to you. I'm going to try to be as nice honest as possible.
You are attractive... very attractive. I think you know that. I am attracted to you. This doesn't mean that I'm obsessed with you or want a relationship with you.
However, when a girl gives you her number and you promise to call her... the least you can do is text her back! Is that so hard? I know you can do it... I question your intelligence sometimes when you talk because you tend to just repeat the same phrases over and over like "woahh all the sudden..." What does that even mean!?!?!? I know you are capable of sending a freaking text message, though.
I wanted to believe you that you were a nice guy. Everyone told me you were an ass hole, and you know what, you proved them right! So congratulations! You are an ass!!! You're a good kisser, yes. A good person? NO. Apparently not!
Everyone told me you told people you wanted nothing to do with me... so why did you kiss me not one night, not even two nights but on three different occasions?! And don't even think about blaming the alcohol. That is a crap excuse!
You know what I wanna know? What makes you so much better than me? What makes me so unimportant to you that I'm not even worthy of a text message back? I'm good enough for you to fool around with multiple times but you can't send me a freakin' text message? What is it? How do you decide whose good enough and whose not? Is it like Project Runway: "One day you're in & the next day you're out"? Is that your motto as well? Apparently...
You know what? Thank you for showing your true colors so I can move on... next time you just want a make out buddy stay away from me... & my roommate for that matter!
Oh yeah & F**k you! (No, not literally.)