So most of you are familiar with the sport game of beer pong, no? If not, let me break it down for you: basically you line up all the cups in a diamond, and throw ping pong balls at the cups, which are filled with beer. The cups can also be filled with other types of beverages such as water or sodas of course. Such was the case when I was playing obviously!
Anyway, I feel the need to warn all of you that this can be a very dangerous game. So Last Monday night I was participating in a friendly game of beer pong, and pretty much kicking ass. Well it was all down hill from there, let me tell you!
Occasionally when the other team misses their shots, one or both of the ping pong balls used may roll off the table onto the ground, requiring you or your partner to retrieve it. WARNING: if you must be the one to retrieve the ball(s), proceed to the floor WITH CAUTION, especially if there may have been several a couple drinks consumed prior to this particular game. It is very possible that you could fall on your face lose your balance ever-so-slightly and end up looking like you got in a fight with a slight injury to show for it.
The above may or may not have been what happened to me... My partner (who happened to be my ex, but that's another story) was a little busy hitting on talking to other girls (which may or may not have made me cry slightly upset), so it was up to me to retrieve the lost balls. Sounds simple enough, right? Well I thought so, too. Now, the details are a little fuzzy, but I made it to the ground successfully, and I was underneath the table, then something went wrong, and I somehow fell over and landed on my face. Go ahead, laugh...
So luckily no one happened to see my fall stumble, so I recovered, successfully retrieved the balls and went back to playing the game. Now I'm not sure at what point in the game this happened (before or after the previous injury), but somehow in another attempt to retrieve the balls, I started to lose my balance again and caught myself with my hand, but somehow managed to seriously hurt my finger... so much so that it was swollen the next morning and was like 3x the size of my other fingers (ok maybe not that big but it was really swollen!)
And my eye? Oh yes I had a nice little scar to remember my mis-hap by, and had people asking me for the next few days if I got in a fight! Just to prove I'm not making this up (If I were making this up, it would be a way better story!) I managed to take a couple pictures of my nice battle wound!It's kinda hard to tell, but it's basically like rug burn on my eye!
So the lesson? Be very careful when playing beer pong and exercise caution at all times when getting on the floor for any reason! You can bet the next time I played beer pong, I made my partner pick up all the balls. hehe!