
Not Me Monday! (6th Edition)

Welcome to Not Me! Monday! This blog carnival was created by MckMama. You can head over to her blog to read what she and everyone else have not been doing this week. Ok, so I definitely did not skip Not Me Monday like a million Monday's in a row, because I started doing my funny comments on Sunday/Monday, and then KMBFAG on Monday's, and get too overwhelmed to post that many things in 1/2 days! This week, I definitely did not completely ruin my diet... I did not indulge in cookies, brownies, cake, candy, etc. that were given to my sorority on "suck up day" for our philanthropy week. I am NOT scared at all to read what the scale says today... I also did not work out only once or twice in the past week... I certainly would work out more than that to make up for all the sweets, right? Not me! I did not watch the Oscars only to join in the twitter party even though I hadn't seen any of the movies nominated. I also did not ask stupid questions like "What movie did he win for?". Not me, I'm always caught up on that stuff! I did not wake up really sick Saturday morning due to the events of the previous night. I did not throw up all over my sandwhich I was attempting to eat! I also did not get sick while we had guys from one of the fraternities over for brunch. (Luckily in the other room). I did not recover after a few hours, and decide I was ready to go out that night! Not me... I did not call my mom because my debit card was being declined at Subway when I tried to buy lunch. She did not put money in my account, and tell me to make it last until the end of the month. I did not blow it all in one day... thank you Wal-Mart! Not me, I'm much better with money than that! I did not contact one of my favorite college blog sites about potentially writing for them. I did not freak out when they wanted a writing sample, something other than this blog, and decide maybe I couldn't do it after all! Not me, I have more faith in myself than that! I did not stay up really late reading blogs and catching up on stuff last night... I know better than to stay up late!

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Anonymous said...

You could definitely write for that college blog. Send them some stuff.

Laura Kay said...

I love this carnival theme! I am going to have to pick a particularly unproductive weekend and give it a try.

Send them a writing sample!

Unknown said...

I also did not work out only once or twice in the past week... I certainly would work out more than that to make up for all the sweets, right? Not me! - I HEART THAT COMMENT BECAUSE I TOTALLY DID NOT DO THAT EITHER!

jmt said...

I would have totally died in college if the internet was as "big but normal" THEN as it is now. It was around, but really in the early stages compared to what you get. I would have never gotten sleep, always blogged, and gotten mad at other blogs, and commented all night long...not that I like to read OR argue...nope. Not me.

Unknown said...

Ok, I love you but I really CANNOT read about you puking! ; ) Not right now anyway!

Hope the scale was nice to you...

Anti-Supermom said...

go for it - send something or you will always regret it.

maybe not, but send it in.

The Blonde Duck said...

I didn't stay up late either and then get up at 4 to work out.

Nope, not me.

Krystyn @ Really, Are You Serious? said...

On no...the diet...and the exercise. You can do it...get back on the wagon.

Brooke said...

scales first thing monday morning? i save that torture for tuesday...although its still scary!

AndreaLeigh said...

oh yeah, i also didn't blow off my diet and the gym. i'm with you on that one!

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