
PSF: Best Weekend of the Summer So Far!

PhotoStory Friday
Hosted by Cecily and MamaGeek

This post is long overdue, but as soon as I got back from my trip I started summer school & ever since then have barely had time to breathe (well, ok I've been breathing, but not much else! ;) ). Anyway, I finally now present you with pictures from my fabulous trip to Kansas City to stay with my bff Lisa! The weekend was great from the time I got there until I left! I got in Thursday night, and we took a tour of the city & of her college she went to before we went to school together! It was a really cool city, and it was really fun to see where she went to school before! This is the downtown Kansas City skyline! We went downtown Friday night to something called First Friday's where they feature lots of art galleries and people come and sell their stuff or shop for art or homemade jewelry. It was pretty cool, and it was awesome to see downtown! This is the night time city skyline... pretty isn't it!? After First Friday's, we went to a party at one of her friends' house. This was the 1st time I had done any kind of partying since I left school, so I was excited to get out & party it up! haha It was great meeting all of Lisa's friends; everyone was so nice, and the party was a blast! Saturday, we went shopping! There were so many awesome places to shop, so we did a whole lot of that! Then Saturday night, we went out to dinner with a few of her friends at a place called Cheeseburger in Paradise! Yes, like the Jimmy Buffett song! The chain was actually started by Jimmy Buffett himself! It was a really cool place, and my cheeseburger was delicious!! The inside of the restaurant was decorated all cool, and there was a live band playing, so it was a great environment as well! This is the bar area inside the restaurant. I can't take credit for this picture, however, because I forgot my camera that night! I got this off google, but it is exactly what it looks like! Anyway, after dinner we went to see a comedy show! It was so much fun, the guys that performed were hysterical! You have to check out Dan Levy & Adam Ray! They were both hysterical! Seriously, click on that link to Dan Levy's site & watch the video on the front page! I can't even tell you how funny he is! Sunday we took it easy for awhile, then went swimming at the neighborhood pool with her adorable three year old niece, her sister, brother-in-law & a couple of her friends! It was really fun and a great way to spend the day! Then that night was the fun part! We decided to make it a pizza & margarita night! Seriously... is there anything better?! The funny thing is we decided to make it an adventure... we were about 10-15 minutes from the state line, where you cross from Kansas into Missouri, and because we thought that the liquor stores were closed on Sunday's in KS, we went into Missouri & went searching for a liquor store! Eventually we found one, and we got all the necessary ingredients to make the fantastic results! As it turns out, though, there was a liquor store in Kansas open... right next to where we got our pizza! But we had so much fun on our mini-road trip we didn't mind at all! Yummm!!! We made them with the best recipe ever & because I'm so nice (& most likely not the only one who knows this, but I can pretend!), I'll share! We used Frozen Limeade, Triple Sec, Tequila (obviously!) & beer! Seriously, it does not get any better than this!! This is me, obviously enthused with my delicious drink! The rest of the night, we just enjoyed our drinks and played some cards, like Uno! It was a great time! The trip was definitely the best weekend of the summer for me so far, and it couldn't have come at a better time since I started summer school, it was like my last hoorah for awhile! I really wouldn't have come back if it weren't for school & I would go back in a heart beat! I might take another trip there before the end of the summer or Lisa might come here, or both! We'll see what happens, but it was fantastic & I'm so thankful Lisa put up with me for a weekend! haha **Note- I am extremely tired. It's late & it's been a long week of non stop school stuff, so please forgive my poorly written post! Also, some people are weird about having their picture online (even though I argue if you put your pictures on facebook, why not a blog, but that is why I don't have pictures on here including Lisa because I did not receive permission & I didn't want to do it without asking... just in case you were wondering!**

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Unknown said...

That drink you were drinking has put me in the friday feeling! x

Random Hiccups said...

Very nice! It's Winter here in the southern hemisphere and you got me so jealous for the summer feeling! :)

Unknown said...

So glad you had a great time with your BFF. That drink sounds good. *sigh* ; )

Anonymous said...

Sounds like you had a blast!

just a girl... said...

man that place looks awesome. And I need a frozen drink. NOW>

Hepburn Hilton said...

Sounds like a great trip!
I never really thought about Kansas as a place to go see, but you are right. That skyline is beautiful!

Krystyn @ Really, Are You Serious? said...

Sounds like a great trip...and is that you drinking?

Mrs. Mootz said...

Sounds like you had an awesome time!

Dorm Bedding said...

LOVE the restaurant bar area - looks like so much fun :)

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