Alright so before I go on with this weeks installment of the funny quotes I collected over the past week, I have a couple requests! First of all, I've decided to make this a weekly thing because I really enjoy keeping track of these & sharing them with y'all! However, I want to make it the best it can possibly be and for that to happen a couple things need to be changed. First of all Cammie suggested getting a button for this! I love this idea, but don't know how to make one! If anyone knows how to do this, and wants to make one for me I would love you forever! I would totally give you a shout out every week when I do this! :) Second of all, I feel this deserves a better name... something a little more creative than funny comments... something button-worthy! Just a couple thoughts I had were That's What They Said (like that's what she said, but what they said get it!? haha) or Say What!? But I am totally open to suggestions! Thanks for the help! Sorry for the novel! moving on to this weeks funny quotes: "I just bought my 1st Bible... I thought about going to the Church and telling them I don't have enough money for one, but I didn't want to get shocked by lightning or something" "I'm so drunk right now I just hit my head on the bathroom stall" "He called me a drunken whore! I am not a drunken whore! I may be drunk a lot, but I am not a whore!" "Why me? Why do I have to be sick!? I want to go out tonight! Why can't someone who doesn't go out get sick!?" "What do you call a fly without wings?" "I don't know what?" "It's not a joke! I'm asking! They call it a fly, but if it has no wings, it can't fly, so what do you call it!?" "I wish I had a figure like Boyance" "Who?" "You know, Boyance! She has the perfect body she's like skinny but with curves, I wanna look like that!" "Who are you talking about!?" "Boyance you know the chick that sings 'Put a Ring on it' or whatever..." " Beyonce?" "Yeah her!" Girl 1: "You look so hot! F**k me!" Girl 2: "What!!?" Girl 1: "OMG not like that... I meant f**k me like f**k my life!"

this post makes me giggle EVERY TIME. I dont know how to make a button....maybe try Lee at Perpetual Burn
The last two made me LOL.
Too funny! And I like your first idea for a title - That's What They Said. I'm a huge Office fan. :-)
Hey there, I'm stopping by from SITS roll call. I love it when people are talking about someone but totally have their names screwed up. That Boyance made me laugh. LOL Have a good pres day! Where is Fulton? I live in the KC metro area, but am not familiar enough with MO to know where that is. LOL And HOW did you end up there? (I'm a KS girl...I tend to like all things KS...the MO state line side is, eh, blah. I live there, but it's blah.)
That post was priceless!! :)
Thanks for sharing those!
Those quotes are hilarious!
funny stuff! i'm just stopping by from sits. happy monday!
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