
Letter to Blogger

This seems to be the cool thing to do in bloggy world lately, when you have something to say, put it in an open letter on your blog! Dear Blogger, You and I have had a really great relationship these past few months. And before you get all upset, no I am not breaking up with you! I realize I haven't been around as much lately, but I'm in college, now, you see, and there just isn't time! Plus, when I do have time I'm usually focusing on everyone else's blogs, not my own! Speaking of which, I found out today that you added a new feature. It seems now I have to "follow" the blogs I read. While I think this feature is great, really, I do, I have already given my heart to someone else. I said I wasn't breaking up with you, chill out! I was previously addicted to your blog roll feature, and was using that as a way to keep up with my blogs. But I had to keep refreshing my page, and it was screwing up my stats very time consuming. So, I moved on. I discovered my new love, Google Reader. Yes, I know your new feature works with Google Reader, like a partnership, but it's just not accpetable. I'm not good with change, ok? Plus, I never even go to my dashboard, except to press the edit button. And honestly, I can barely find time to blog these days. When I do go to people's blogs, it's to comment and that's all! And yes, I realize if I am already on their page it's not really out of the way to click on the link to follow them. But what I don't like is that the one's I "follow" on blogger go to a seperate folder, and then I don't know where to find them! So, I will compromise with you, Blogger, because you and I have had a great relationship so far. I will give it a try. I like to make people feel good about themselves, and I want them to know I like their blog and I "follow" them or whatever! So I'll give it a try, but I'm not impressed, or convinced. Just telling you, don't expect anything.

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TheAustinEmpire said...

I really want to try this but it's not available on my blog yet. I'm curious to see how it works.

Tyne said...

Funny Patrice, I was composing a letter to blogger in my head last night, too. Kinda different- but really about that stinkin' follow me gadget. Thanks for following my blog by the way

Honey Mommy said...

My sentiments exactly!

I haven't even had time to look at the "blogs I follow" gadget! Maybe I'll get to it... later.

jOni lAnE said...
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jOni lAnE said...

Totally wrote the wrong name on my last comment, so I deleted it lest I look like a fool. I like BLOGLINES, not blogroll...geez. It's gonna be one of those days. Happy POW!

Anti-Supermom said...

'Follow Me' makes me feel like it's a popularity contest smack dab in your face (whereas comment counts aren't exactly in your face).

I just refuse to do this to myself. It's way more enjoyable :)
Great post, Happy POW!

Keri said...

This made me laugh! I'm having a hard time getting used to that new feature too. I've been totally in love with "Bloglines" for ages now and I guess I don't adapt well to change either, lol.

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