
It's Real Life #4

It's that time again! Already, can you believe it? I will admit I have been looking forward to this all week! Thanks, of course, goes out to Jessica @ Farm Fresh for hosting. As if she doesn't have enough going on (what with having a baby soon plus 2 little kids) she still made time for us to share our real lives! So, I'm really glad this isn't limited to wedding pictures because I would be crushed if I couldn't participate! ha Anyway, today I am sharing my "real life" with pictures from my graduation. Unfortunately, these pictures aren't the best and they are limited since the occasion was so recent, but I will share with you what I can. So I will start you off with me and my diploma!My graduation was in the gym at my high school, I graduated with about 97 students, and not to brag, but I was one of 27 students that got a scholarship! (More about that later) Anyway, it was a big ordeal and lot's of family came in town so here are some pictures with family members: This is my great aunt and uncle.. they live here in Dallas, so we get to see them quite a bit and they are huge supporters and just great people all around!This is me with my maternal grandparents. They drove all the way from Illinois to be with me on my special day! They were journalism majors, so they were thrilled to learn that was what I'm planning to study. This is me with my paternal grandparents. It's actually my grandfather and my step-grandmother, because my dad's mom passed away before I was born, but I was named after her and am proud to carry on her memory. (Her name was Patricia, my parents decided they liked Patrice better so it wouldn't be shortened).This is me with my sister, Anna. She's 3 1/2 yrs younger than me, and we definitely fight a lot but really she's a great friend and I'm lucky to have her. I am really gonna miss her next year because she's finally getting to the age where we can hang out and I feel like I'm missing so much of her growing up. Next, we have a picture with friends. It's not the best picture but it will work: This is me with 3 of my good friends (my best friend is 2nd on the left). I met these girls through basketball, and we spent countless hrs. together and they became really great friends. To see my parents and I at graduation, go to this post. I have more at home... but I didn't get a chance to stop by and pick them up so maybe I'll add some later, but I think this does it justice, don't you ?! Update: So upon further review, i have decided to add some pics from my Senior Prom. It was definitely a momentous occasion because it really marked the end of Sr. year, and how close we were to graduating! Ok so, there's a lot and I just can't choose! So, taking an idea from the fellow posters, I decided to post a slideshow of prom pictures! I'll give you one big one, though, because I can't resist! Here's the slideshow! Enjoy:

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Erin said...

CONGRATULATIONS!!!!! BEST WISHES for a prosperous future.. and wedding bells one day!

Anonymous said...

Great pictures! I should have posted some from my HS graduation, too, but my post was getting a bit out of control, haha

Joy said...

Wow, you've got the rest of your life ahead of you and you sound really intelligent and mature for your age!!!

Congrats on graduating and your prom dress was HOT!!!

Unknown said...

Congratulations on your scholarship and graduation!

You look fantastic in every. single. picture. That shouldn't be legal. :-)

Mel said...

What wonderful pictures and occasions, thanks for sharing with us!

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