
Must Have....

I was informed that I need rain boots for school... so I have been on the search for some super cute rain boots. Thanks to my friends at work... I have found my soul mate... at least my rain boot soul mates!! Take a look my friends, and be jealous, because by the time I am done convincing my parents these will be mine!!! Can you say "Hello, Lover" I admit they are a bit pricey for rain boots, but they are a must, and if you buy cheap... well you get what you pay for. These are substance! They're fabulous, right? Yes, I know!!!! Update: I am now taking a poll to decide which one's are better the one's above, or these: Once Again... "Hello, Lover!" ***Update #2: *** These now officially belong to me and they are on their way!!! MY DAD IS THE BEST :) Let me tell you.. it pays to work with your dad.. in more ways than one! hahaha Oh, btw I picked the White one's!

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Unknown said...

Oh, honey, they are CUTE! You must MUST have them!

Sue Wilkey said...

OOOOHhhh- I love the ones that say "Juicy" - what're they, $550? $575?

Anonymous said...

Oh I'm thinking the 2nd ones, but it's a tough call - can I have the ones you don't get? Will my massive calves fit inside either?

Joy said...

I love Juicy Couture... but the second rain boot is less "flashy"!

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